Williamson County School Board Member Wants Glen Casada’s Seat


Williamson County School Board member Brad Fiscus reportedly wants to run for Tennessee House Speaker Glen Casada’s seat.

This, according to his professional Facebook page. The Nashville Post, meanwhile, reported Fiscus will run as an independent.

Fiscus told The Tennessee Star in an email Friday he is out town until next week and unavailable to answer questions.

The Post reported that Fisk opposes school vouchers.

“Fiscus is also an advocate for public schools, and he sees the latest school voucher and the Education Savings Account programs supported by Casada and signed into law by Gov. Bill Lee as a threat to schools across the state,” The Post reported.

“Though the programs are currently only for failing schools in Davidson and Shelby counties, Fiscus has said before that the doors are now open for them to be in other school systems across the state.”

Fiscus said on his Facebook page this week that, if elected to the Tennessee General Assembly, he will still keep his job as a Williamson County School Board member out of District 4.

“I am dedicated to serving this district throughout my term to 2022. One of the first things I did while discerning if this was the right time to run for State House was to check whether there was a prohibition of serving both on the school board and in the State Legislature,” Fiscus said.

“There is not, had there been, I would have delayed my decision until the 2022 election cycle. If I am elected to serve the great people of District 63, I will also finish my term as School Board member for District 4.”

As The Star reported this spring, members of the Williamson County School Board approved an In-service teacher training curriculum that preached, among other things, “white privilege” social justice causes, and America’s supposed dysfunctional history.

Fiscus would not address the matter when The Star contacted him in March.

But The Williamson Herald quoted Fiscus defending the “white privilege” training at a school board meeting in March.

“I work in the church and these are conversations we are having to have,” Fiscus reportedly said.

“They are happening across every part of our society, and they have to happen, because if we don’t, there will be no movement forward.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Brad Fiscus” by Brad Fiscus.




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3 Thoughts to “Williamson County School Board Member Wants Glen Casada’s Seat”

  1. 83ragtop50

    What a disaster it would be to elect this school board member.

    1. Kevin

      Exactly! We don’t need a school board member in the legislature in Nashville!

      The single biggest threat to Tennessee citizens wallets are School Board members! They tend to “fly under the radar” while the County Commissioners take the “flak” for ever increasing property taxes. Meanwhile, it is actually the school systems which are saddling us with more and more debt and higher and higher property taxes!

      When you hear public school advocates lamenting, “we need to be like Massachusetts or New Jersey”, be careful what you wish for! For generations, our kids were as smart as any kids from any other States, when they grew up, they ran for office and then ran the most fiscally sound State in the Union, for generations! Be careful what you wish for!

      1. 83ragtop50

        I agree that the school boards and their overpaid directors (like Dr. Phillips of Sumner County) are the root of a large part of the forever raising of property taxes. However, the county commissioners should not get a pass on this because they are complicit by approving the outrageous budget requests. The commissioners should represent the taxpayers not the insatiable appetite for spending money that the school officials have. In my opinion one of the root problems with school boards is that they are flooded with educators. Men and women without real world business experience where money must be earned before it can be spent. My school board representative is the poster child for this malady.
